A bit about me.
Shona benson
I am a theatre director. Even though so may argue I’m not.
You see, currently I’m not working as one. Well, not being paid to work as one.
As a theatre director, or an actor, even when you are ‘out of work’ you are always in it really.
Because of that, I always feel a little odd when I say that, my eyes dart to the floor or I make a slightly awkward gesture, as I am not always working as a one. Sadly there are not always opportunities available, freelancing is precarious. But I am always thinking as one. And I know I am more that than I am anything else.
Whenever I read something – be it a short news article or a novel – I picture the story or issue being played out on stage, structured as a play. When I listen to stories about people, I imagine the characters as cast. I often say ‘if your read that in a script, you’d not believe it’ but store it away, just in case it might be useful. I people watch. Lots. Analysing the body language, scrutinising the thinking, wondering what’s being said and done and why.
I also work as an actor when the right part comes along, a producer when needs be and only because I can not because I really want to, a marketer because I think that good theatre should be part of everyone’s lives in the same way that food and drink are, and a theatre writer to focus my thought and commit my mind.
Currently I’m based in Singapore but I’ve also worked in Australia, India and the UK. I’ve been fortunate to travel and work in different countries because of my husband’s job. He works as a structural engineer. Although at times all the moving hasn’t helped